SAP IQ Version 16.1 - Sybase database

User support request
Since migrating to Automize 12, Database SQL tasks were failing. Saw a note on the forum to reach out to you to get the required JDBC driver. The database we are using is SAP IQ Version 16.1. Can you please provide us with the connection parameters. Thank you

Tech Support
1) You likely were using the SQL Anywhere JDBC-ODBC driver. This will no longer work.
2) You will need to use the jConnect driver. Download the jConnect driver at ... t/jconnect.
3) jConnect is supplied as a JAR file named jconn4.jar. This file is located in your jConnect install location.
4) Copy jconn4.jar to Automize12 folder and restart Automize UI and engine.
5) Try these settings in Database SQL tasks. Driver class name: com.sybase.jdbc4.jdbc.SybDriver Database URL: jdbc:sybase:Tds:server-name:server-port server-port normally = 4100

As always, it is a pleasure doing business with you. We are very happy with the capabilities of the new version of Automize and are looking forward with moving ahead with our first production system based on this software. –Automize Enterprise User

Thanks for your timely response. You make a great product, and we're integrating it more and more into our daily production activities. I will try out these FTP suggestions as you've outlined. –JaSFTP User

Just wanted to compliment you folks on a great product. your product is working flawlessly! I'll definitely be purchasing it, and telling every other "IT type" I know about it! Thanks so much. –Automize User

Your program was exactly what I was looking have all the features that I require; all in one program!!–AbleFTP user