The sftp task allows you to transfer files from and to a SSH2 server. Also, the SSH2 server should support SFtp subsystem. Not all SSH2 servers support SFtp.
SFtp Profile
Select the SFtp profile for the
SFtp server, you need to connect to. You should have previously
created a SFtp profile, using the SFtp Profiles menu item.
SFtp Option
Use 'Get' to transfer files from the
server to your local system. Use 'Put' to transfer files from your
local system to the server. Use 'Delete' to delete files from
the server.
Remote Directory
This is the most difficult
parameter to enter correctly. Execute privilege is required for
the remote directory, for all SFtp functions. Read privilege is
required for SFtp Get. Write privilege is required, for the
SFtp Put function, and for the SFtp Delete function. Note that
the path is case sensitive for Unix SFtp servers. If you are
transferring files from the Default SFTP login directory, you can
leave this field blank.
Local Directory
Enter the full pathname of the
local directory, where you need to put files, or get files.
Enter the
filename filter for the files you wish to copy using
following wildcard rules. This field also supports dynamic
variables. Using dynamic variables, you can select a file
based on current date/time.
Folder Path Filter
this field blank if you want all folders to be processed. If you need
specific folders to be processed, then enter the folder name or path,
using the following wildcard rules.
If a folder passes the filter, then all its subfolders will also pass
the filter.
Simple Example: Folder = c:\test , subfolders =
john, john\old, sam, sam\old, joe, joe\old
Folder path filter =
john . john and john\old are processed
path filter = jo . john,
john\old, joe, joe\old are processed
Folder path filter = old
. sam\old, john\old, joe\old are processed
Folder path
filter = test . all files in c:\test
and its sub folders are processed
Folder path filter = john\old.
only john\old is processed.
Folder path filter = c:\test\john
. john and john\old are processed
Rename Filename
Please see Rename
Append date/time To filename
You can choose to append either the
date, or the date and time, or custom code. If your filename has
an extension, the date and time, is appended before the extension.
This feature is useful for archive purposes.
Backup to Local Directory
Enter the full
pathname of the local directory, where you need to backup files.
Please note that the Backup to local directory option does not
support subdirectories. All files will be placed in the backup
directory, without creating new subfolders in it.
Backup to Remote Directory
Enter the full
pathname of the remote directory, where you need to backup files.
Please note that the Backup to remote directory option does not
support subdirectories. All files will be placed in the backup
directory, without creating new subfolders in it.
Use Staging
If you select this option, the file
is first transferred to the local (get), or remote (put) folders
entered. This folder acts as a staging folder. After the
Ftp transfer is complete, the file is then moved, to the final
destination folder. This option is useful to prevent processes
from working on files, while the Ftp transfer is in progress.
In the staging field, you should enter the full pathname of the final
destination directory. Please note that the staging option does not
support subdirectories. All files will be placed in the final
destination directory, without creating new subfolders in it.
Umask Permissions
The umask has be entered in
4-digit octal format. The umask command is used to set the
permissions of all files that are put onto the server. Leave this
field blank, to use the default Sftp server permissions, for the
transferred files. The Umask is the reverse of the normal file
permissions, i.e. 0777^umask = permissions.
0077 =
-rwx------ (all permissions for user, no permissions for group and
0000 = -rwxrwxrwx (all permissions for user, group and
0022 = -rwrxr-xr-x (all permissions for user, read+execute
permissions for group and world)
0033 = -rwxr--r-- (all
permissions for user, read permission for group and world)
0011 =
-rwxrw-rw- (all permissions for user, read+write permissions for
group and world)
Delete Source file
You can choose to delete the
source file, after a successful transfer. If the SFtp transfer
fails, the source file will not be deleted.
Transfer with temporary extension
The file is
transferred with a temporary extension, and then renamed to the
desired name, after the transfer is complete. This is useful,
if you have automated scripts/programs, which continuously work on
files, with certain extensions. This option ensures that the
automated script, will not work on a partially transferred file.
Log Transfer
You can choose to log the transfer
into the Ftp Log.
Transfer based on modified date
If you need to filter files based on file modified date, select this
Date Filter
For the between option, enter2 values separated by '-' (2-4 etc..).
Older than 5
Minute, Newer than 2 Day, Between 3-5 Day, Between 1-4 Hour
Transfer Modified files
If you choose this
option, files are transferred only if the source file is newer than
the target file.
Ftp server time offset
Sometimes, a Ftp server
is in a different time zone from your local system. Youcan
specify an offset to be considered while determining which file
(local or remote) is newer. The remote file timestamp is
notchanged. Enter a positive number to add an offset to the actual
remote ftp file timestamp. Enter a negative number to subtractan
offset from the actual remote ftp file timestamp. For
example, consider a file with:
Actual Local file timestamp = June
1, 2005, 10:00 PM
Actual Remote file timestamp = Jun 1, 2005,
10:30 PM
Offset = 0
Put Option: File will not be transferred, since
remote file is newer than local file
Get Option: File will
be transferred, since remote file is newer than local file
Offset = -60 (Remote file timestamp is now calculated as9:30 PM)
Put Option: File will be transferred, since calculated
remote file timestamp is older than local file timestamp.
Opton: File will not be transferred, since calculated remote filetimestamp
is older than local file timestamp.
Transfer Modified files using Ftp Log
If you
choose this option, files are transferred only if the source file
date is newer than the source file date entry in the Ftp Log.
For this option to work correctly, you should also enable the 'Log
Transfer' option. If the source file path is not found in the
Ftp log, then the file is always transferred.
Place files in new subdirectory
If you select
"None", no new subdirectory is created within the Target
If you select Date, a new subdirectory based on the
date is created within the Target Directory. All files are placed in
this directory.
If you select Date, a new subdirectory based on
date and time is created within the Target Directory. All files are
placed in this directory.
Transfer Mode
This option sets the transfer mode
for current operations. The valid modes are:
BINARY - Files are transferred in binary mode and no processing of text files is performed (default mode).
ASCII/TEXT - For servers supporting version 4+ of the SFTP protocol files are transferred in text mode. For earlier protocol versions, the files are transferred in binary mode, but the client performs processing of text. If files are written to the remote server, the client ensures that the line endings conform to the remote EOL. The EOL mode is set using the setRemoteEOL setting below. For files retrieved from the server, the EOL policy is based upon System policy as defined by the "line.seperator" system property.
Set Remote EOL
When connected to servers running
SFTP version 3 (or less) the remote EOL type needs to be explicitly
set because there is no reliable way for the client to determine the
type of EOL for text files. In versions 4+ a mechanism is provided
and this setting is overridden.
Valid values for this method are EOL_CRLF (default), EOL_CR, and