
This software supports variables. Many task fields supporting variables: The value of these variables is resolved when the task runs. For example: to match files in a Filename field based on current month of year, you would enter the filename as: $%DATE::mm-yy%$ .  If the current month was June 2002, all files, which contain '06-02' in their name, would be selected.

Types of variables
Task Variables: Task variable values are generated/updated when the tasks run.  Example: Tasks exit codes are stored as the following variable: TaskTitle::EXITCODE
System Variables:  System variables which are resolved when the current task runs, examples are DATE, USERNAME etc..
Java Variables:  Java variables, which are available to the Java Virtual Machine.  You can get the value of java variables from the 'Java Variables' menu item
User Variables:  Users can add their own variables via batch files, scripts or programs.  Users can link output from their own programs to this program.

Using variables in the text fields
The variable must be formatted as follow: $%VariableFormat%$

For System variables:  $%VariableName::VariableOptions%$
Variable_Options may only be required by some Variables.
examples: $%DATE::hh:mm:yy%$ or $%USERNAME%$

For Task variables: $%TaskTitle::VariableName%$
examples: for TaskTitle = Test  :  $%Test::ExitCode%$ or $%Test::ErrorMsg%$

For User and Java variables: $%Variable%$
examples: for java variable, use :  $$

Nested Variables
Single level nested variables are allowed using the format
examples : 
1) $%FILE::DATE::pp-dd-YY_mm-hh-ss::NEST-fileMon::FilePath-NESTEND%$ gets the date modified time for the file path found in the variable 'fileMon::FilePath'.
2) $%FILE::DATE::pp-dd-YY_mm-hh-ss::c:\test\NEST-fileMon::FileName-NESTEND%$ gets the date modified time for the file found in the variable 'fileMon::FileName'.

Only 1 nested variable can be read in a single field.

List of currently available variables
To view the list of currently available variables, click on the 'Variable Monitor' task dialog (via Tasks menu / Monitors).  The variables are listed in the Variable Name dropdown box.  The variables are listed in the following order:
1) System variables
2) Task and user variables
3) Java variables