Encrypt Files
The Encrypt task allows you to encrypt files from a directory, or a directory tree.
Select the encryption profile that will be used to encrypt the file (files). You should create an encryption profile, before creating an encryption task. Encryption profiles for password encryption, or public key encryption are supported. This task also supports private key signing.
Source Directory
Enter the full pathname of the directory where your source files exists.
Enter the filename filter for the files you wish to encrypt using the following wildcard rules. This field also supports dynamic variables. Using dynamic variables, you can select a file based on current date/time.
Folder Path Filter
Leave this field blank if you want all folders to be processed. If you need
specific folders to be processed, then enter the folder name or path, using
the following wildcard rules. If a folder passes the filter, then all
its subfolders will also pass the filter.
Simple Example: Folder = c:\test , subfolders = john, john\old, sam, sam\old,
joe, joe\old
Folder path filter = john . john and john\old are
Folder path filter = jo . john,
john\old, joe, joe\old are processed
Folder path filter = old . sam\old,
john\old, joe\old are processed
Folder path filter = test . all files in c:\test
and its sub folders are processed
Folder path filter = john\old. only john\old is processed.
Folder path filter = c:\test\john . john and john\old are
Append to Filename
It is recommended that you add an extension for the encrypted filename. For PGP encryption, add .pgp as the extension.
For signing, normally .sig is appended. If you regularly encrypt a file, and wish to save each encryption to a different filename based on current time/date, choose an append file option.
Target Directory
Enter the full pathname of the directory, where you need to put the target files. Note that the path is case sensitive on Unix systems.
Place files in new subdirectory
If you select "None", no new subdirectory is created within the Target Directory.
If you select Date, a new subdirectory based on the date, is created within the Target Directory. All files are placed in this directory.
If you select Date/Time, a new subdirectory based on date and time, is created within the Target Directory. All files are placed in this directory.
Include subdirectories
If you select this option, all subdirectories and encrypted files within the Source Directory, are created in the Target Directory. If a subdirectory does not exist within the Target directory, then it is automatically created.
Date Filter
If you need to filter files based on file modified date, select this option. For the Between option, enter 2 values separated by '-' (2-4 etc.). Examples:
Older than 5 Minute, Newer than 2 Day, Between 3-5 Day, Between 1-4 Hour