Delete Files
The Delete task allows you to Delete file (or files) within a single directory.
Enter the full pathname of the directory where your files exist.
Enter the filename filter for the files you wish to copy using the following wildcard rules. This field also supports dynamic variables. Using dynamic variables, you can select a file based on current date/time.
Date Filter
If you need to filter files based on file modified date, select this option. For the between option, enter 2 values separated by '-' (2-4 etc.). Examples:
Older than 5 Minute, Newer than 2 Day, Between 3-5 Day, Between 1-4 Hour
Folder Path Filter
Leave this field blank if you want all folders to be processed. If you need
specific folders to be processed, then enter the folder name or path, using
the following wildcard rules. If a folder passes the filter, then all
its subfolders will also pass the filter.
Simple Example: Folder = c:\test , subfolders = john, john\old, sam, sam\old,
joe, joe\old
Folder path filter = john . john and john\old are
Folder path filter = jo . john,
john\old, joe, joe\old are processed
Folder path filter = old . sam\old,
john\old, joe\old are processed
Folder path filter = test . all files in c:\test
and its sub folders are processed
Folder path filter = john\old. only john\old is processed.
Folder path filter = c:\test\john . john and john\old are
Check for critical folder
This option is added to prevent accidentally processing files within
critical folders. Many of our users use dynamic variables for the source
and target folders. Sometimes, inadvertently, the dynamic result could be
c:\ or / etc which may result in undesirable consequences.
The folders checked include:
1) Root folders (c:\ or d:\ or / etc..)
2) User home folder
3) Folders in the system library path.
If you have to use these folders (c:\ or d:\ or / etc..), and the folder filter or filename filter, you can disable this option if you are absolutely sure that no critical system or data files will be adversely effected..