Database SQL

You should test your database connection and SQL statements using the Database Test utility, before you  make or schedule SQL tasks.

SQL statement
Enter your SQL statement here.  It can be a select, insert, update, or delete statement.  This field also supports dynamic variables.

Directory to place Results
Enter the full pathname of the directory where you need to put the SQL query results.  Note that the pathname is case sensitive on Unix systems.

Results Filename
Enter the filename for query results.  If no filename is entered, a default filename of your Task Title is used.  This field also supports dynamic variables.  Using dynamic variables, you can save the file to a customized name based on date/time or username etc...

Append to Filename
To save each query to a different filename, based on current time/date, choose an append file option.

Database JDBC driver
For your database, you need to obtain the JDBC driver from your database vendor or other 3rd party vendor.  Many of the database vendors have free JDBC drivers available at their web site.  The JDBC driver is generally in the form of a .zip or .jar file.  You need to place the JDBC driver in the following folder, depending on your installation method. Then restart the engine and the user interface.
For installs including JVM :  ...[Install_Folder]/jre/lib/ext
For installs without JVM :  ...jre/1.3/lib/ext   or  JDK1.3/jre/lib/ext.

Driver class name
Enter the class name for the driver.  This information will be available in the driver documentation.

Database Url
Enter the Url connection information.  This information will be available with the Java JDBC driver documentation.
The Url format will vary with vendor. The format includes the server name, port, database name, username, and password.

If your database requires authentication, then select this option and enter your username and password.

Enter your username if required for database access.  It is case sensitive.

Enter your password if required for database access.  It is case sensitive.