Unix Service
You can setup the Automize/AbleFtp/JaSFtp/AutoKrypt/XMLmotor Engine to run as a Service on Linux or other unix platforms
Installing the Service:
When you open the Unix Service window, it will generate a ***service script file. Example: automizeservice or jasftpservice etc.. (*** = automize, jasftp, autokrypt, ableftp etc in lower case)
Copy this file to the '/etc/init.d' or '/etc/rc.d/init.d' folder depending on your unix/linux system.
chmod +x automizeservice
Add the script or service to the auto load at bootup: Check your system documentation for this
Ubuntu example: # update-rc.d automizeservice defaults
Centos example: # chkconfig --add automizeservice
Starting and Stopping the Service manually:
# /etc/init.d/automizeservice start
# /etc/init.d/automizeservice stop
Steps to test the service:
1) Create a Simple echo task (tasks button / Miscellanous folder)
2) Schedule it to run every 1 minute and test that it is running every minute.
3) Restart your system
4) Wait for 3-5 minutes
5) Log on
6) Start up Automize/AbleFTP/JaSFTP/AutoKrypt user interface. Check from Activity log that echo task has been running for the past 3-5 minutes after startup.
7) Log off for 2-5 minutes
8) Log back on and verify that the echo task has been running during log off.
If you stop the engine from user interface, the service may start it up again! You have to stop the service using the appropriate service commands (see above)