This feature is only available in Automize Enterprise.
This feature allows you to write scripts to enhance the capabilities of our software. You can write scripts in any scripting language that is supported by the JSR-223 javax.scripting interface.
The following is a list of supported languages shipped with the default installation:Example Scripts
Example java scripts are located in the 'example_scripts' folder within the main install folder.
Please read the examples scripts via the 'Examples' button.
Our website will also have more examples of scripts that you can use.
Creating a Script
Type in the script in the upper text window. Create small scripts for each task.
Each script should be less than 50-75 lines. This will help in debugging.
Please read the examples scripts provided, using the 'Examples' button.
Our website will also have more examples of scripts that you can use.
Testing a Script
Click on the 'Test Script' button. Errors or Output will be displayed in the lower text window.