Scheduling Tasks

Tasks can be scheduled by the second, minute, hour, day, week, or month. To schedule a task, select an existing task from the Task list, and click on the schedule button.

Scheduling by the Second
Tasks can be scheduled by the second. i.e. every  x = 15 seconds etc. Scheduling tasks at this rate, is very likely to consume a large amount of your computer's time and resources.  When you schedule by the second, the task will run every x seconds, from the time the task was created.  If you restart the scheduler, the task will run first after x seconds, and then repeat every x seconds.
When scheduling by the Second, the following fields are used: Run Hours, Run Days.
When scheduling by the Second, the following fields are ignored: Run Months, Run Dates, Run Weeks.

Scheduling by the Minute
When you schedule by the minute, two rules apply:
1.  If you schedule every 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20 or 30 minutes (i.e. divisible by 60), then the task will run at the same time each hour.  Example, if you schedule a task to run every 15 minutes, and you set the run 'minute' = 0, it will run at 0, 15, 30 and 45.  If you set the run 'minute' = 5, it will run at 5, 20, 35 and 50.
2.  If the period is not divisible by 60, the task will run every x minutes.  If you restart the scheduler, the task will run first after x minutes, and then repeat every x minutes.
When scheduling by the Minute, the following fields are used: Run Hours, Run Days.
When scheduling by the Minute, the following fields are ignored: Run Months, Run Dates, Run Weeks.

Scheduling by the Hour
When you schedule by the hour, two rules apply:
1.  If you schedule every 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8,12, or 24 hours (i.e. divisible by 24), then the task will run at the same time each day.  Example, if you schedule a task to run every 6 hours, and you set the run 'minute' = 0, it will run at 12AM, 6AM, 12PM, 6PM everyday.
2.  If the period is not divisible by 24, the task will run every x hours.  If you restart the scheduler, the task will run first after x hours, and then repeat every x hours, at the minute of the hour you set.
When scheduling by the Hour, the following fields are used: Run Hours, Run Days.
When scheduling by the Hour, the following fields are ignored: Run Months, Run Dates, Run Weeks.

Scheduling by the Day
When you schedule by the day, the task will run on the days selected, at the exact time of the day you set.
When scheduling by the Day, the following fields are used: Run Days, Run Weeks.
When scheduling by the Day, the following fields are ignored: Run Hours, Run Months, Run Dates.

Scheduling by the Week
When you schedule by the week, the task will run every week, on the day selected, and at time of the day you set.
When scheduling by the Week, the following fields are used: Run Days, Run Weeks.
When scheduling by the Week, the following fields are ignored: Run Hours, Run Months, Run Dates.

Scheduling by the Month
When you schedule by the month, the task will run for the months that you have selected. The task will run, on the date of the month, and the time of the day you set.  If you require the task to run, on the last day of the month, select the date as "32".
When scheduling by the Month, the following fields are used: Run Months, Run Dates.
When scheduling by the Month, the following fields are ignored: Run Hours, Run Days, and Run Weeks.

Start Date
This field is a Start Date filter.  If the calculated next run time, is prior to the Start Date, the next run time is incremented, till it is after the Start Date.  This time does not indicate the first run time.

End Date
This field is an End Date filter.  If the calculated next run time, is past the End Date, the scheduled is Cancelled.  This time does not indicate the Last run time.