Scheduler Settings

Engine server port
The software contains two separate programs.  An administrator user interface, and a scheduler engine program, which runs in the background.  The administrator user interface sends data to the Scheduler Engine Server Socket.  

It is very unlikely that you will need to change this default port value.  This default value need to be changed ONLY if another server is running on your system, and the other server is listening on this port.  If you change the default port value, BOTH the administrator user interface and scheduler engine program need to be restarted.  This Scheduler engine running in the background, allows for use as Service on Unix, Linux, Solaris, Windows NT , 2000, XP.   

Launch wait time
This is the maximum time (in seconds) that the user interface waits for the Scheduler engine to respond on startup.  If your system is slow, or you have many tasks and schedules, the scheduler engine may take longer than the default (60 seconds) to startup.  In this case, you may get a message: "the scheduler engine has failed to startup".  In reality, the scheduler engine may have started, but only after 60+ seconds.  If you receive this message often, increase this setting to 120 seconds.

Scheduler sleep time (ms)
Every time a schedule is triggered, the scheduler will set the next schedule and run the task.  You can set the scheduler to wait for a few milliseconds (1000 milliseconds = 1 second), before setting the next schedule.  This helps to prevent multiple triggers on some older systems. The default is 100 milliseconds, but you can choose to set it between 0-60000 milliseconds (0-60 second).  If you set a sleep time of 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds), the task will start running 5 seconds after the schedule is triggered.

Time Zone
The scheduler engine automatically detects the system time zone settings, indicated by the 'default' value. If your schedules are 1 hour off, you may have to reset the time zone to the correct value.

Thread Priority
All tasks are multithreaded in Version 7.x. Every task runs as a separate thread in the engine. You can set the thread priority to be minimum, normal, or maximum.  It is recommended that you use either minimum or normal (default) priority.  Maximum priority is NOT recommended.

Check for multiple triggers within 30 seconds
In version 5.x, two users had reported multiple task instances (2-6 instances), being triggered at the same time. The cause of this multiple triggers is unknown. Select this option, if you happen to experience this multiple trigger problem. This option does not apply, when the scheduling period is by 'Second'. If you select this option, and two instances of the same task are triggered within 30 seconds of each other, then the second instance is cancelled.

Scheduling Error
In version 5.x and earlier, when a scheduling error occurred, the task schedule was cancelled, and then rescheduled. In 6.x, more corrective options are provided.
1) No corrective action is taken.
2) Reschedule only the task schedule, that led to the error.
3) Reschedule all the task schedules.
4) Restart the scheduler engine. In this case, all pending schedules are cancelled, and a new instance of the scheduler engine is launched. However, if any task is still running in the current instance of the engine, it will continue to run. The current instance of the engine will shut down, after all running tasks have finished, or when the maximum wait time (default = 60 minutes) is reached.

Wait for tasks to Finish before Engine shuts down
When the engine is shut down, all pending schedules are cancelled. However, if any task is running in the current instance of the engine, it will continue to run. The current instance of the engine will shut down, after all running tasks have finished, or when the maximum wait time (default = 60 minutes) is reached.

Maximum wait time before engine stops
When the engine is stopped, the current instance of the engine will shut down, after all running tasks have finished, or when this maximum wait time (default = 60 minutes) is reached. You can change this default value as required.