Windows Service Module
This new windows service module can only be used with versions
10.0 or later. The service module ensures that the engine will not shutdown when the user logs off. This module will
also launch the engine on system startup. Versions 7.x-9.x had an older NT service module.
Install and Start the Service
1) Enter your admin level user account. It is recommended to use the same admin level user account that you installed the software with, and normally start the user interface with. The format of the user account entry is .\johndoe
2) Enter your password.
3) Click on 'Install Service' button.
4) Click on 'Start Service' button.
Service Monitoring
The Service is monitored by checking the Activity Log for updates.
You should create and schedule an echo task to run at same Frequency as Monitoring Frequency.
The echo task will write entries into the Activity Log. If the engine is down/stopped then it will not update the activity log.
The monitoring service will restart the engine if engine does not update the activity log.
Default Setting:
Monitoring Frequency = 24 hour.
Maximum non-updates before restaring engine = 1
It will check if Activity Log is updated within last 24 hours.
If Activity Log is not updated, then the engine is stopped and restarted.
Make sure to schedule an echo task to run every 24 hours, 7 days a week.
If you run a lot of tasks, then you can select the following settings:
Monitoring Frequency = 0.5 hour.
Maximum non-updates before restaring engine = 1
It will check if Activity Log is updated within last 30 minutes.
Make sure to schedule an echo task to run every 30 minutes, 7 days a week.