Key Strokes
This task allows you to send key strokes to the current application window which is in focus. You can use this task in a chain after a Command, or Open Documents, or MacLauncher task to launch an application/document, and send it key strokes.
The key strokes should be entered one on each line, in the Command area. If more than one key is being entered on a line, they should be separated by '+'.
You can also specify, a delay time in milliseconds (1000 milliseconds = 1 second), between commands, using the following syntax:
delay=5000 (this would delay for 5 seconds)
shift+a (for A)
t+e+s+t (for test)
shift+t+e+s+t (for TEST)
alt+f+c (this will close an in focus Internet Explorer window)
Table of supported keys
Alphabets (A-Z) |
Enter in lower case (a-z) |
Numbers (0-9) |
Enter (0-9) |
Function keys (F1-F24) |
Enter in lower case (f1-f24) |
Number pad keys (0-9) |
Enter in lower case (numpad0 - numpad9) |
The following keys have to be entered exactly as shown. The names are self-explanatory. All keys may not be supported on your system. ctrl, shift, alt, enter, accept, add, again, alphanumeric, alt_graph, back_quote, back_slash, back_space, braceleft, braceright, cancel, caps_lock, clear, colon, comma, compose, convert, copy, decimal, delete, divide, down, end, enter, equals, escape, final, find, greater, help, home, insert, left, less, meta, minus, modechange, multiply, num_lock, open_bracket, page_up, page_down, paste, pause, period, plus, printscreen, quote, quotedbl, right, scroll_lock, semicolon, separator, shift, slash, space, stop, subtract, tab, underscore, undo, up |