This window allows you to set ftp host settings and firewall settings. The host profiles and firewall profiles are used in the Ftp tasks and Ftp monitor task.
New Button - Creates a new profile. If you are on the Host tab, this will create a new host profile. If you are on the Firewall tab, this will create a new firewall profile.
Delete Button - Deletes the selected profile. If you are on
the Host tab, this will delete the host profile. If you are on
the Firewall tab, this will delete the firewall profile.
Host Tab
Host: Enter the exact host name, or IP address, of the Ftp server, that you need to connect to. Examples of host names are or Examples of IP addresses are:, or If you do not know the host name, or IP address, of the Ftp server, please contact your network administrator.
Port: The ftp server listens on a given socket port, for client connections, and commands. You should enter the FTP port used. The default ftp port is 21, and most Ftp servers will listen on port 21.
Username: If you have an account on the Ftp server, please enter your username, or user identification name. If you are trying to connect to a public ftp server, that allows anonymous or guest access, enter 'anonymous' as your username.
Password: Enter your password that has been setup, with your user identification name. If you are trying to connect to a public ftp server that allows anonymous access or guest access, enter your email address as your password.
Account: Some Ftp servers require you to enter an account, before they can authenticate you. Most Ftp servers do not need any account information.
Local Dir: Enter the local directory that you want displayed after login. If you leave this field blank, the current user's local home directory is displayed.
Remote Dir: Enter the remote directory that you want displayed after login. If you leave this field blank, the current users default ftp directory is displayed.
Firewall: If you need to connect to your Ftp server through a firewall, select the firewall profile name.
Passive: Passive mode of transfer may be required if you are behind a firewall, or other gateway. Using Passive Mode ensures that the local host initiates all connections. This avoids the situation, where the Firewall rejects incoming connection attempts from the Remote Host. We recommend that you use passive mode, even if you are not behind a firewall.
Directory Listing Style: Ftp servers provide directory listing in various formats. The most common format is the Unix style. We currently support Unix and DOS listing styles. If your Ftp server provides a listing in some other style, the task may fail. However, most Ftp servers have an option, to provide directory listing in the Unix style. Please request your Ftp administrator to set up your Ftp account to receive listing in Unix style.
If your Ftp server does not provide a listing in the Unix or DOS
style, you can try the Names-Only option. For the names-only
option, a list of names in the directory is obtained. There is
no information on the file size and file date. Hence, you
cannot transfer files based on file date or file size. Also,
since the file or directory information is not available,
subdirectory (tree) transfers are not possible in this mode.
When using the interactive Transfer window with the Names-Only
option, since the directory or file information is not available, you
have to manually move to a new directory using either the Go Up,
Home, or Change To directory buttons.
Connection Tab
Encoding: Sets the character encoding used by the FTP control connection. Some FTP servers require that commands be issued in a non-ASCII encoding like UTF-8 so that filenames with multi-byte character representations (e.g, Big 8) can be specified.
Data Port Range: This setting is supported in FTP-J
module. This field sets the data port range for incoming non-passive
(active) connections. If you leave this field blank, the server will
set the data port ranges. You have to enter both the start port and
end port using the following format: startPort,endPort. Example:
Data Timeout: Sets the timeout in seconds to use when
reading from the data connection. This timeout will be set immediately after
opening the data connection.
Startup Command:
Enter the startup command that is supported on server. example: cwd /
Starting version 12.10, you can send multiple startup commands separated by [sep]-. example: pwd[sep]cd /[sep]pwd
Firewall Tab - Commons library
Host: Enter the name or IP address of the firewall server.
Port: Enter the port that the firewall server will listen for FTP connections. The default is 21.
Username: Enter your user identification name, if your firewall server requires authentication.
Password: Enter your user identification password, if your firewall server requires authentication.
Firewall Type: Please check your Firewall for details
on how it accepts FTP connections. We currently support the
following types of ftp firewalls:
1) USER 2) SITE 3) OPEN 4)
Firewall Type |
Logon Details |
1) Connects to FtpFirewall at FtpFirewall port |
1) Connects to FtpFirewall at FtpFirewall port |
1) Connects to FtpFirewall at FtpFirewall port |
Custom |
1) Connects to FtpFirewall at FtpFirewall port If you want to hide your Ftp password, use the following
syntax: If you need to use a Firewall password and want to hide your
ftp Firewall password, use the following syntax: Example1: Firewall requires authentication, Ftp site
supports USER logon Example2: Firewall requires authentication, Ftp site
supports OPEN logon |