Usage: clm command[::par1][::par2]... Command List ? - Displays this command reference page ?::add - Help information on how to add a new task or modify a task ?::addx - Help information on how to add a new schedule or modify a schedule ?::pars - Help information on task parameters 1-50 for each task type ?::type - Help information on TaskTypes used init::program_name - program_name = Automize, AbleFtp, or JaSFtp etc (Case sensitive). This command is only required if you are using the clm for the first time, and also have not used the user interface yet start - Starts scheduler engine stop - Stops scheduler engine status - Checks if scheduler engine is running list - Displays Task List list::taskTitle - Displays task data for task 'taskTitle' in a format suitable for editing listx - Displays Schedule List listx::taskTitle - Displays schedule data for task 'taskTitle' in a format suitable for editing run::taskTitle - runs task 'taskTitle'. add::... - adds/edits a task. Use 'clm list' for information to add/edit tasks. addx::.... - adds/edits a schedule. Use 'clm listx' for information to add/edit schedules. addprop::filepath|*|key|*|value - adds/modifies a value in a task, scheduler or settings file. Example usage: clm "addprop::data/settings/ftpProfiles.jsd|*|profile|*|test" or clm "addprop::data/tasks/testtask|*|TASK.PARAMETERS1|*|testvalue" listprops::filepath - lists all the keys/values in a settings file. Example usage: clm listprops::data/settings/ftpProfiles.jsd listtaskfiles - lists the filepaths of all existing task files. usefull when you need to use listprops or addprop functions listschedulefiles - lists the filepaths of all existing schedule files. usefull when you need to use listprops or addprop functions listsettingfiles - lists the filepaths of all existing settings files in settings folder. usefull when you need to use listprops or addprop functions del::taskTitle - deletes taskTitle from task list delx::taskTitle - deletes taskTitle from schedule list sch::taskTitle - schedules taskTitle in schedule list sus::taskTitle - suspends taskTitle in schedule list susAll - suspends all schedules resAll - resumes all schedules out - Displays output log act - Displays activity log err - Displays debug log task::taskTitle - Displays the Tasklog for taskTitle listVar - Displays a list of user variables getVar::variable_name - returns the value of user variable setVar::value_to_set::variable_name - sets the user variable value syncList - Displays a list of synchronization profiles syncDis::profile - Displays the settings for the synchronization 'profile' syncAdd::profile::taskList::option::waitTime::afterWait::priority - Adds a new profile or modifies synchronization profile data if profile exists. syncDel::profile - Deletes the synchronization profile emailList - Displays a list of email server profiles emailDis::profile - Displays the smtp server settings for the email 'profile' emailAdd::profile::host::port::emailAddress::senderName::authenticationType::popServer::user::pwd - Adds a new profile or modifies email profile data if profile exists. emailDel::profile - Deletes the email profile emailNotifyList - Displays a list of email notification profiles emailNotifyDis::profile - Displays the email notification settings for this profile emailNotifyAdd::profile::true/false::notificationEmail::"crit"::exitCodeValue::priority - Adds a new email notification profile or modifies profile data if profile exists. Example: to send notification email if task exits with exit code 0, use: clm"="::0 emailNotifyDel::profile - Deletes this email notification profile ftpList - Displays a list of ftp profiles ftpDis::profile - Displays the ftp profile settings ftpDel::profile - Deletes this ftp profile ftpAdd::..... - Adds/edits a ftp profile. usage: ftpAdd::profile::hostname/ip::port::username::password::FtpDirectoryListParser.FULL_LISTING/FtpDirectoryListParser.NAMES_ONLY_LISTING::UNIX/WINDOWS/VMS/MVS/OS2/OS400::encoding name or DEFAULT_ENCODING::account::passive true/false::timeout::firewall profile name or All.none example: ftpAdd::test_profile:: ::true::65::All.none ftpFireList - Displays a list of ftp firewall profiles ftpFireDis::profile - Displays the ftp firewall profile settings ftpFireDel::profile - Deletes this ftp firewall profile ftpFireAdd::..... - Adds/edits a ftp firewall profile. usage: ftpFireAdd::profile::hostname/ip::port::username::password::USER/OPEN/SITE/Custom::custom commands or blank example: ftpFireAdd::test_profile:: backupDir - Displays the last backup directory backup::dir_path - backup data to dir_path backup::default - backup data to last backup directory restore::dir_path - restores data from dir_path restore::default - restores data from last backup directory registerSched::program::code - Registers & unlocks the scheduler engine for specific 'program' using the registration 'code'. program = Automize or AbleFtp or JaSFtp etc.. registerCLM::code - Registers & unlocks this CommandLine Module using 'code' NOTE: n is 0 based (i.e. first task in task or schedule list has index = 0) More CLM help information is available in the user interface help file.